Hot Bewbs And Guns!
Nothing does it for me more than beautiful women with big bazookas and big guns! How she keeps from popping out of that top has physicists stumped.
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If only chicks were like clothes, you know, you could walk into a shop, pick out something that looks nice & go into a changing room to try it out for size. Of course you'd know how much it was gonna cost you before you bought it!
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Lets face it, chicks & booze are a perfect combination for teen-tastic trouble, you just can't keep a bad girl down - When things get blurry getting wild is the best option :)
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Dressing up like characters from Manga, comic books and tv series might sound lame and that's because it is. But when attractive ladies do it though, it's awesome. This rule applies to pretty much everything in life.
Comments: 4
Come on, have a little think about it, you don't really like those girls in films & magazines who have been airbrushed & retouched SO much that they probably don't exist! What you REALLY want is a girl-next-door type who really does live next door!
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People in Phucket seem to take great delight in stabbing stuff through their cheeks. Apparently their pain brings good luck to those that they pass as they walk around town, showing off their piercings. Weird.
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Lets be honest most guys are pretty much dirty dogs when it comes to chicks and when they don't think anyone is watching them, or they are with their friends they're even worse. So when we get busted it's pretty damn funny.
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I dunno, but there is something slightly attractive and dangerous happening at the same time here? Maybe it's a 'no pleasure without pain' kinda thang? For those of you who love babes with some serious mouth machinery !
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Will there ever be too many gorgeous girls on the planet? If you answered yes to that question shame on your family, you may leave planet Earth now. If you answered no, then you're in for a treat!
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In this age of equality it's refreshing to see some men sticking to a time honored tradition and letting females join in. No idea why these women were let out of the kitchen anyway?
Comments: 15
So here we are again, the two days of not giving a f#ck have drawn to an end and now reality slaps you in the face and demands you get into some sort of shape to contend with work, college, slacking. Here are some photo-lolz to ease the pain.
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