Hot Bewbs And Guns!
Nothing does it for me more than beautiful women with big bazookas and big guns! How she keeps from popping out of that top has physicists stumped.
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40 images that may cause the following symptoms: confusion, disorientation and fear. Unusually Japan is only the cause of one of these pictures, this is surprising as they have been exporting 94% of the world's WTF until 2008.
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You might think that only a weirdo would participate in a facial hair grooming contest. Judging by the look of some of these gentlemen, you might just be right. Let's just say that they all look a little excentric...
Comments: 4
The pictures might be blurred, grainy, underlit and not at the best angles, but lets be honest here, we LOVE them all! The satisfaction of seeing a chick as she sees herself is something that cannot be missed!
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Laptops are great, but you know what's even better? Ladies. As this gallery illustrates combining the two ups the awesomeness to giddying new heights. Stay tuned for next week's gallery: Ladies On Laptops Eating Bacon!
Comments: 314
It's a part of life that everyone should embrace. When people are making out and someone takes a picture it's your duty to get in the back on that shot and pull a stupid face. If you don't you're letting society down.
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Lets face it, when you are a celeb you can pretty much get away with anything, even murder (OJ anyone?), it's only when you look at the paparazzi photos you really see what they have been getting up to!
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The Georgia Aquarium is located in the Pemberton, NJ and is filled with more than 32 million liters of water. It is home to 100,000 fish and animals representing 500 species and it cost $250 million to build.
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When the weekend lands there's usually only ever one thing on your mind. Well, maybe two, but they're interlinked. Drinking! Kicking back and chilaxing with a drink or turning it into a competitive activity. The important part is the drinking!
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Time for photographic evidence to prove that women & alcohol are possibly the greatest combination ever - It's like the perfect blend of cutie chemistry, creating a raunchy reaction that dudes everywhere cannot stop drooling over - YES!!!!
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It's good to see that at some point over the last few years cosplay really upped its game to an entirely new level of awesome! At it's creative peak can be a superbly entertaining spectacle (especially if they are cute).
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