Cartoon Characters Turned into Creepy Monsters
Remember some of your favorite characters from childhood? Well, prepare for them to be turned into twisted demons and freaks in this series that will certainly rape your childhood of any decent remaining memories.
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Ruining other people's earnest attempts at phtography. Pull a stunt like one of these and you can turn a dreary group photo into an infinitely more awesome image.
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It's a mystery how the ice doesn't melt and the hockey players stay focused on their game with hot girls like this skating around raising the temperature and causing mass distraction. I'd definitely puck any of them.
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Oh for those bygone days when everything was simple and internet was young. If you were a kid in the 80's or 90's, prepare to experience some extreme nostalgia. You might not know all of them, but you're bound to know at least one.
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Ow. It hurts just looking at these scorched bodies, what's wrong with them? They're either on a death wish or they just don't get that big, bright burning yellow orb in the sky that we orbit around. It gives off heat as well as light :(
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It's a part of life that everyone should embrace. When people are making out and someone takes a picture it's your duty to get in the back on that shot and pull a stupid face. If you don't you're letting society down.
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And they do look pretty happy in those loving embraces, don't they? There's even some inter-species love going on in this, it just goes to show we can all live in peace and harmony.
Comments: 2
A creepy collection of beasts and slimy things that got waay bigger than they should be. You may ask 'what the hell are some of these things?', but you probably don't want to know, just pray you never meet any!
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So all you are doing is trying to take a nice ordinary, everyday picture of your friends and before you know it some major celebrity is trying to get in on the action by goofing off in the background and photobombing you. Pfft.
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The burning question here is "would you or wouldn't you?" Do you have the confidence to date a woman who could physically overpower you in any conceivable way possible? Put like that it doesn't sound too bad.
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You've passed out due to one to many root beers and your friends have taken the liberty of abusing your comatose body. Most of this abuse you wouldn't want to be awake for but fear not, there will lots of photos.
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