Clever Tear Off Ads
Time to get creative with some home-made 'tear-off-my-number' formats. Smarter than your average ad, these designs are entertaining, eye catching and you keep them as a souvenir.
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Every day when i wake up i praise the big dude above for inventing females, he is truly worthy of some kinda worship for such an awesome invention - Now if only they came equipped with a volume control he would definitely be a God!
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There's more ample maiden's mounds than you could possibly get your head around (or in) - These luverly ladies should definitely come with a suffocation warning. It may be dangerous but it will surely be worth it.
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Man, it’s tough being rich. You may think you have a hard time making ends meet and trying to pay the rent/mortgage/maintain your Star Wars action figure collection, but that’s nothing compared to the dilemmas besetting the uber rich.
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This stunning celebrity hottie could teach a course on how to make mountains out of molehills! Here she shows off some of her finer assets!
Comments: 34
Nothing can stop these young whooper-snappers from conquering brave new worlds on their trusty mounts! Tomorrow's generation has NO fear!
Comments: 569
Stock images are the best, not because they offer royalty-free photos, but because they allow you to misinterpret what's happening into something like this collection of people, who are meant to be coughing but look like they're sucking invisible penises.
Comments: 25
Prepare for your visual senses to be set to overload as your mind grapples with this witchcraft - A collection of awesome pencil drawings by the talented Ramon Bruin. He makes perspective his b#tch and messes with the viewers mind.
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It's official, Lilo has begun her 90 days prison sentence - I wonder if she'll join the 'Bling Ring' or become some big dykes sex slave, or start some nakie bitch fights, we can but hope!
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As my dad used to say, "let sleeping girls lie", or was that dogs, who cares! There's something mesmerizing watching a cutie cuddle up & close her eyes - I LOVE the total vulnerability of a chick when she is fast asleep.
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Sometimes you go out & drink yourself into a tinsel strewn, bed-sh#tting, marker-ridden, man-hugging mess, & here are those results! If they want to put people off drinking they should show these to kindergarten kids to scare them senseless.
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