Paris Hilton Cleavage!
This stunning celebrity hottie could teach a course on how to make mountains out of molehills! Here she shows off some of her finer assets!
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Catching guys checking out chicks is one of our favorite pass times. The little look as they walk passed then the full turn around to look at the booty. I've heard some refer to it as an art form.
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I love the fact that where & whenever females gather together, the temperature begins to soar and even the dullest of parties begins to kick off - It's nature's way of letting us know who's really in charge!
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It never fails that there's always someone sitting there waiting with a camera every time someone gets drunk and fails miserably - luckily for us!
Comments: 85
Forget iApps & all the other cool features that Apple's little baby has in it's armoury, because the camera is where it's all at - It's easy to use & the weapon of choice, as these willing lovlies so wonderfully demonstrate!
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'Drool, drool everywhere & not a drop to spare!', that's how desperate things are for a dude when these chicks come out to play - All dressed up (and sometimes not) and everywhere to go - Thank you God for inventing babes!
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She's a Japanese TV star & Gravure idol from Tokyo, which means, luckily for us, she poses a lot in very little, with a pretty face to match her hawt body - Japan-tastic !
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If you're inclined towards OCD style behavior then this selection of images should sooth you, featuring all kinds of objects that slot together so well, it's as though they were made for each other.
Comments: 1,511
You know, i've always thought about getting a small tattoo, you know, maybe a cute bunny wabbit on my butt, or maybe 'I love my mom' on my upper arm - But these criminals have clearly decided no to take the 'subtle' approach!
Comments: 1
It's a mystery how the ice doesn't melt and the hockey players stay focused on their game with hot girls like this skating around raising the temperature and causing mass distraction. I'd definitely puck any of them.
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It's Tuesday (or Monday, depending on where you are?) which can only mean one thing. Time for another of our patented pic dumps. We've been scouring the intertubes for delectable morsels and here's what we dredged up. Enjoy.
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