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Ever thought that they should introduce tazers to professional sporting events? Yeah, me too. Well, these crazy masochists have done just that and they call the resultant insanity Tazerball. Don't try this at home, kids.
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Crashing your new scooter is a bad move. Everyone knows scooters lose at least 20-30% of their value as soon as they're towed off the lot, but i think in this case it could be quite a bit more. FAIL!
Comments: 7
This one will be the one no one forgets. LOL
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34 tracks from some of the most famous video games in one fluid rock medley by FreddeGredde! It doesn't have vocals and very little acoustic guitar but you can't please everyone and it's still pretty badass!
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Starting our scare video contest right, these roommates decide to wake up their buddy with a pretty gangster alarm clock.
Comments: 4
In this funny parody sketch from Above Average, travel accommodation website Airbnb makes snooping through other people's stuff even easier with their new "Airbnb Express" option.
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Mr Badass aka Aung Zaw Oo aka AZO delivers his annual show reel to make us all feel really inferior and it includes shuttlecock kicking, flair bartending, rhythmic gymnastics and chopsticks throwing, to name but a few.
Comments: 2
Man, a motorcycle trick like this, not to mention his snazzy leather jacket, must get this guy all the chicks.
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There are some things that, as a parent, it's very hard to hear. Hearing that you daughter doesn't like you and her friends mock you, just because of your weight is tough. This guy has a good coping mechanism though.
Comments: 3
Everyone loves puppies, but you probably couldn’t eat a whole one, especially an adorbz Labradoodle puppy. It’s just too much for one person to nom, but it is totes cutez, but not cute enough to warrant a fap, so stop that.
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Why does this guy keep brushing his teeth? He should've never opened his big mouth in the first place...
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