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Katy Perry Cover
If you're looking for the greatest Katy Perry cover ever you've come to the wrong place. Mind you, if you're surfing the internet looking for Katy Perry cover songs then you probably deserve this.
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It just goes to show that teddy bears & fish can coexist. But then something...something dreadful happens. This video will tear out your heart & brutally stomp all over it, but be brave little teddy. Be brave.
Comments: 0
Apparently THIS is hip hop. all that other stuff with the black guys in it, that's just a close approximation. remember folks, it's all about the 'plie'. Bend your knees and let me see those jazz hands!
Comments: 3
Have you played Amnesia yet, maybe you have but have totally forgotten? It's fast becoming the world's go-to game for immediate relief from constipation and this dude sounds like a relieved customer.
Comments: 2
When a hawt chick is dying medical professionals have to resort to drastic measures, a de-fap-rillator! - WTF!?!
Comments: 8
This Cat can serve up a punch with the best of them, but the day he met this Dog, it was the battle of the immovable object vs the unstoppable force.
Comments: 47
Whose line is rich in improvisational comedy gold, but some are better than others. This one totally ROCKS. This is the "You Asked For It!" Edition with all of the suggestions coming from members of the studio Audience.
Comments: 2
He's better than most humans!OMG
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This is what happens when two best friends make it to the championship round of a kickboxing tournament. They ruin the show for everyone who's come to spectate and don't even do a best of three.
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It’s a jungle out there, and so when wooing a mate it’s appropriate to act like an animal too. Taking mating rituals back to basics, this young couple act like they’re straight out of a nature documentary.
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Once she reaches the right age think of the things you could do with her in the bedroom. Damn son!!!
Comments: 2