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Akala - Fire In The Booth
Rappers with good flow are ten-a-penny but to find one who's actually got something to say? That's rare. Enter Akala. You don't need to be fan of hip-hop or rap to enjoy this. This man has some serious skills!
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Talk about using up all of your 9 lives in one go - This curious cat is braver than most people. When he saw an alligator, he didn't back down, and came out on top! I wouldn't want to piss this pussy off!
Comments: 0
He didn't need anyone's help putting the roof up, and he doesn't need anyone's help bringing it down. He may need someone's help walking into what's left of his house.
Comments: 0
The BMX biker in this video may make this look easy, but it's anything but as he zooms around that most of us would break our necks attempting—and he does it all without a helmet too.
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Good old Bill, completely destroying science with his dumb arguments. Works of scholarly genius like "How did the moon get there?". Gee, I dunno Bill, maybe it accreted from the debris after a collision with another celestial body.
Comments: 3
Queen Elizabeth II visited the set of Game of Thrones recently when she was on a tour of Ireland, meeting members of the cast and crew but being a total stick in the mud when it came to sitting on the Iron Throne. Boooo.
Comments: 1
If you're an optimist you see this as half the lockers are still standing. If you're a pessimist, you see this as half an hour she's gotta stay after work to pick them all up.
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Next Action Media, the Hong Kong based media company that spices up the news by creating animated reconstructions have decided to break the news of Osama Bin Laden's death with a CGI reenactment of his grisly demise.
Comments: 31
A 15 year old girl with her driving permit crashes into a coffee shop. Somehow nobody was injured in the accident - I'm guessing that she was blonde and thought it was a drive-thru?
Comments: 5
Good to see professionals at work and doing a smart job. The next thing he reads will probably be an X-Ray. You, sir, should've napped on the job like the rest of us.
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Sure, he's got more gold medals than anyone else on earth, but you can't honestly tell me you're surprised that he also does well on grass. I'm sure one day he will eventually find something he's NOT good at.
Comments: 1