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Butcher Knife Nunchucks
Whoever thought that cooking wasn't dangerous needs to watch this insanity. This dude takes Iron Chef way too seriously. Dangerously serious.
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If it's home-made it's gotta be good, right? Proof that you can never have too much home protection - This shotgun should be on every redneck's Christmas list this year.
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Basically we have a chick dancing around the room, nothing odd there, but..., then she meets a glass table and the rest is history! Totally proving that there are some girls who will do anything for attention. Medical attention!
Comments: 0
When they get back from their tour they can go on another tour, as backing dancers for Lady Gaga. Fame & fortune awaits boys, fame & fortune. AWESOME!
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Summer's in full swing, the sun is out beating down on you, you can't be assed to do anything and that includes thinking—but don't worry, you don't have to think, the internet will do all that for you.
Comments: 3
Oh wow. Only on the internet could a video containing this much raw awesome be found in it's natural habitat. Sure, it might just look like a weirdo dancing, but look closer. IT. IS AWESOME!!!
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Down in the mosh-pit is not the pace to be if you just came to listen to the music - The ringing in his ears lasted the rest of the band's set... thankfully.
Comments: 2
Incredible, it has 10,362 OLED panels which cover an aluminum sphere hanging 18 meters from the floor, has a resolution around 10 times greater than LED, with more than 10 million pixels. Imagine watching pr0n on it.
Comments: 1
I knew that G.I. Joe were an elite military unit who combat a nefarious group of dangerous criminals known as Cobra - but I didn't know they could skate.
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Everyone loves Fridays, but some get a little bit more excited than others. Take Jason for example. Monday to Thursday he's a hard working young man, but come Friday it all goes out the window and he just has to kill people.
Comments: 2
If you were wondering why anyone would want to buy a micro car, then just take a look at these clowns (not literally clowns) driving around the centre of Amsterdam and you'll instantly see why.
Comments: 87