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Disgusting Child
Wow! This kid is going to be the worst person in the entire world when she grows up. If she is like this at 3 years old just think.
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Sir Mashalot, an aspiring songwriter from Nashville, Tennessee, put together a mashup of six popular country songs to provide evidence of just how formulaic country music has become.
Comments: 2
Get ready for some epic news reporting featuring a guy who had his burger stolen buy a tornado. It's much worse than losing your house or any other possession. I really feel for him, life sucks!
Comments: 1
According to a 2011 survey, 16% of workers report that they arrive late for work at least once per week. 27% confess to coming through the door behind schedule at least once a month. And our bosses appear to be even worse.
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Even though they have an incredibly dangerous job, at least race cameramen don't have boring days at work.
Comments: 5
I've seen hundreds of front flip wipeouts over the years but this guy not only lands his flip but does it while clearing twenty feet.
Comments: 3
Slednecks team member Brett Turcotte bucks his snowmobile off a cliff and the insanity of it all is captured on a GoPro for us all to stare slack-jawed at and marvel at how damn badass it is.
Comments: 1
Some impressive mountain biking shenanigans as filmed from their remote helicopter using a Canon 550d. It makes for some very watchable footage though it would have been even better if someone crashed into the 'copter.
Comments: 1
If you have a near death experience then don't go telling your girl about it or your life could be over - WTF!?!
Comments: 0
Revenge is always sweet - Baking pan girl gets owned by pie guy.. LOL
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Cannot wait for this show, there's nothing that makes me feel like a human being more than seeing orphaned children suffering. It's one of the great pleasures of life, so what if a kid's life is ruined, I'm getting some giggles.
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